Mohamed Jbali is Moving, Asking For Help From Fans

Mohamed Jbali is Moving, Asking For Help From Fans

Mohamed Jbali seems to be making the best of his stay in the US, despite Danielle Mullins' efforts to ruin his life. She's suing him now, but she's previously tried to get him deported and we don't know for sure that she's given up on that.

But though Mohamed says he's done with 90 Day Fiance, he's not done updating fans on his life and plans via social media.

And, following some hints, he's shared that he's leaving his current residence. But where is he going? And why is he asking for help?

Mohamed Jbali with Facial Hair

Don't worry -- Mohamed Jbali hasn't been deported.

Not yet, anyway.

He came here, he went through the K-1 visa process, he even consummated his marriage to Danielle Mullins with a single incidence of sex.

(That's not enough for Danielle Mullins to not be a bitter ex, but it's enough that Danielle was told that her odds of getting an annulment are slim-to-none, which means that Mohamed gets to stay in the US ... we think)

Anyway, Mohamed seems to be making an effort to move away from Danielle -- and that means moving out of Florida.

Specifically, he's moving to Texas.

Following his mention of wanting to take up residence in the Lone Star state, Mohamed's comments were apparently full of controversy.

So he responded ... and is sharing a little more about his plans. Oh, and asking for help.

Mohamed Jbali Facebook Pic

"I never, ever posted something and I didn’t have people fighting in the comments."

Welcome to the internet.

"Guys, why you saying 'It’s the red state,' and 'racist people,' and 'They are against Muslims.' It’s just a state."

We'll get into the merits of that in a moment.

"There’s 50 states in America, OK? And they so many people they do live in Texas -- Muslims and people who they are against Donald Trump -- and they’re fine, they’re living happy."

Yeah, Texas is home to literally millions of people who voted against Trump. There's more to Texas than stereotypes, folks.

"If you look at the previous comments, I mean the previous post, you will see so many people they love Texas and they are happy living there."

If you like that kind of weather, sure.

"Why, when I move there, people tell me: 'Oh, you’re Muslim, you shouldn’t go there,' or 'It’s the red state,' or 'racist people.'"

It all depends where you move within the state.

"I’m not going to be fighting with these people. I’m just going to mind my business and have my own life. That’s it."

Mohamed Jbali Image

We should note that Mohamed Jbali is absolutely right.

And that's not a statement that we make all that often.

First of all, Texas, like most states in the US, has a huge cultural divide between urban centers as opposed to remote, rural areas.

Heavily populated areas, like cities and their surrounding suburbs, tend to be more diverse.

Politically, they tend to lean progressive.

Sparsely populated areas might be perfectly welcoming ... or not.

An electoral map of most states looks like a number of blue dots in a sea of red, some close to blue dots and others seeming totally isolated. This is not unique to Texas.

(Texas is just, you know, bigger)

So moving to a red area in California and a red area in Texas are likely going to be comparable experiences.

And we should also point out that Texas is experiencing an electoral shift.

While Trump did win Texas by about 53% of the vote to Hillary's 43%, a number of electoral forecasters were surprised that it was so "close." 

Nate Silver mentioned that, in the next couple of decades, it's possible that Texas could become a swing state.

But it still has a ways to go.

You have to compare those percentages to swing states that ended up going for Trump. In North Carolina, for example, Trump won by about 49% to Hillary's 46%. That's a very close call.

So, long story short, if Mohamed Jbali goes to Texas and settles in Houston or Austin, he's likely to have a normal metropolitan experience.

Mohamed Jbali Photo

By the way, Mohamed is reaching out to his followers for a little help getting to Texas.

"I’m looking for a truck to move my stuff to Texas from Miami."

Maybe he's just sharing this with fans. If he gets an offer, he might show up only to find that it's a trap set by Danielle Mullins.

(Kidding! Mostly ...)

"The cheapest one I found is $1,500! Can you imagine that? $1,500 just for a truck. Wow. Wow. Wow. Like, imagine how much it was gonna be if I was moving to California or Washington the state or something like that!"

Even just moving to a city a few hours away can be expensive. I did it a couple of years ago.

"Life is too hard here in the States. Nothing is cheap. NOTHING is cheap! Everything is expensive."

Yep. Standard of living is generally tied to cost of living.

"So, I gotta find another way to move my stuff without renting a truck."

Or ... he could dive back into reality television and use that cash to help him move.

Just a thought.

View Slideshow: 90 Day Fiance Couples: Who's Still Together?
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