Sorry La La Land: Why Ryan Gosling Is Irresistible to the Audience and His Costars in Blade Runner 2049

Sorry La La Land: Why Ryan Gosling Is Irresistible to the Audience and His Costars in Blade Runner 2049

By this point it's becoming one of Hollywood's most reliable witticisms: Everything Ryan Goslingtouches turns to gold. 

Whether it's a cult favorite rom-com like Crazy Stupid Love or the record-tying Oscar nominations for La La Land, the actor is on a roll, a winning streak, in the zone, at the top of his game—pick your cliché poison. And now it seems he might have the role of his life. (See what we did there?)

Gosling is hitting theaters this weekend, in his first appearance since his much-loved turn as jazz player Sebastian, for the long-awaited reboot of Blade Runner. This time around the flick is dubbed Blade Runner 2049 and it catches up to the LAPD and their team of replicant-chasing officers even further into the future. (30 years into the future, in case anyone was unsure whether to take the title literally).

Gosling plays K, a replicant officer who discovers a very big secret that has the potential to disrupt the very fragile ecosystem that exists in the dark, dystopian world where Los Angeles has turned into a wasteland, the lucky have escaped "off-world," and Jared Leto is the most terrifying replicant-making mogul to ever wear a kimono. (Seriously, this movie is worth watching if for nothing else than his villain). 

There are big shoes to fill with this movie: The original installment, while not immediately a box office hit, became a cult classic, helped cement director Ridley Scott's place as Hollywood royalty and even received two Oscar nominations. Blade Runner's fans have very high expectations. 

But Gosling hasn't just filled the shoes (or, should we say, leather boots), he's busted right through them. He sees Harrison Ford's high-collard jacket and raises him a high-collared jacket with shearling, and an impressive collection of wool sweaters. But enough about his wardrobe and how well he can wear a heavy knit. Audiences will be hitting theaters to look at his face, too. 

And without giving away any spoilers, which viewers will want to stay miles away from, just know that almost no movie has been this much about Ryan Gosling. He's in almost every single scene, and director Denis Villeneuve (he of Arrival fame most recently) spends ample time letting viewers see into his soul, by way of those piercing baby blues. 

We'd apologize for gushing, but we're only human here. 

Blade Runner 2049 has been widely praised by critics ahead of its opening weekend and there is already the requisite Oscar buzz. Much of that is owed to Villeneuve, as the futuristic world he created is visually mind-blowing and haunting. And, even better, it doesn't even require that audiences see the first Blade Runner

But what is perhaps even more fascinating is the fact that not only did Ryan Gosling charm the pants off of the film industry, but he worked his magic on everyone on set as well. At the flick's recent press junket his costars couldn't stop raving about him. Not that he came in overly confident—he admitted to E! News that when he found out he was going to be costarring alongside Harrison Ford in the film, one thought went through his head: "Don't f--k it up." 

Of course that didn't happen. Not even a little bit. As Ford himself attested to, Gosling was as strong an actor as anyone in the industry, and the original Blade Runner star didn't even notice his wildly good looks. 

"I learned about his commitment to the story," he said of working with Gosling. "You know we talked about the story and his observations were valuable, and then what I really enjoyed is that we didn't talk about it very much anymore and we just did it. He was really there when we shot the scenes and so it went someplace that was really fantastic." 

Robin Wright, who plays Gosling's boss and a lieutenant in the LAPD, said that she was most excited for her role because of the opportunity to play a strong female leader, but that she certainly didn't mind the chance to get to reprimand RyGos onscreen—something he accepted graciously. 

"He's such a sweetheart," she said. "He really is a genuine good guy. And, I have to say, such a great acting partner."  

Getting to boss around Ryan Gosling for money is great, but the real treat came to Ana de Armas, who has the job that one million actors would kill for: Ryan Gosling's love interest. De Armas is Joi, a woman who can best be described (in a spoiler-free way) as a woman who is several levels beyond a replicant, who helps Gosling on his deadly mission.

Not that she knew it's what she was getting into at first—the filmmakers hired her without breaking the news that she would be locking lips (more) with him. 

"I didn't know I was going to make out with him because I didn't have the script," she laughs. "So I didn't know what my character was. But I was very excited. You know, when I moved to LA and had my first meeting with my agents they asked me what I wanted for my career. And I didn't speak English at the time but I did say, I wanna be Ryan Gosling as a woman. So I got very excited to play opposite him." 

The shock value didn't diminish once she arrived on set, as the actress, who previously played Miles Teller's girlfriend in War Dogs, admitted that it took her at least a week to having him in front of her in the flesh. She also pointed out that while they had a great time on set and in between takes, there was one aspect about his famously good looks that surprised her. 

"Ryan has a face that constantly looks like he's about to say something," said de Armas. "And that he's holding it in or that he's about to laugh. I don't know what it is but it makes me so nervous." 

No one can blame you, Ana. 

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