Rep. Steve Scalise: The Las Vegas massacre ‘fortified’ my pro-gun stance

Rep. Steve Scalise: The Las Vegas massacre ‘fortified’ my pro-gun stance

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It was only in June of this year that some heavily armed a–hole shot up the Congressional baseball practice. Shooter/terrorist James T. Hodgkinson shot more than 50 rounds at congressmen and DC police officers. Several people were injured. Rep. Steve Scalise suffered some of the most critical injuries, like a pelvis shattered by a bullet. Scalise eventually recovered, for the most part, but I think he still uses crutches or a motorized scooter to get around. Scalise is a Republican and a long-time pro-gun person, a big NRA supporter, all of that. Getting shot didn’t change that. Neither did the Las Vegas massacre.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise says that getting shot and nearly killed at a GOP baseball practice in June has not swayed his stance against gun control. Fox News‘ Martha MacCallum asked Scalise in an interview that aired Tuesday night if his experience and Sunday night’s deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas have changed his support for gun rights.

“I think it’s fortified it,” said the Republican congressman, who returned to the House last week for the first time since he was shot. “Because first of all you’ve got to recognize that when there’s a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured and doing whatever we can to help them, to help law enforcement. We shouldn’t first be thinking of promoting our political agenda.”

His comments echoed those made by some fellow Republicans and the White House itself. President Trump said Tuesday that the U.S. will “be talking about gun laws as time goes by.”

[From People]

Yeah, this is why people are jaded. As I said earlier this week, after Sandy Hook, there’s little left in my “let’s believe in the inherent goodness of our elected leaders to do the right thing” tank. Barack Obama tried, post-Sandy Hook. And very little was done, because the NRA bought Congress long ago. If dead first graders didn’t change anything, why would a massacre of mostly white, mostly Republican country fans? Someone could shoot up an NRA meeting and these people would still be saying the same thing: Guns, ‘Murica, Freedom, Prayers. If someone I loved died in the Vegas Massacre, or Newtown, or Aurora, or Orlando, or Virginia Tech, I wouldn’t want Steve Scalise’s f–king prayers. F-ck his prayers.

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