Mass Murderer Stephen Paddock Brother Off the Rails In Bizarre Interview

10/3/2017 4:28 PM PDT

Mass Murderer Stephen Paddock, Brother Off the Rails in Bizarre Interview


The brother of mass murderer Stephen Paddock lost it Tuesday during a bizarre, rambling interview.

Eric Paddock spoke with CBS News and broke down, unable to talk for a time, before his thoughts about his brother meandered.  

He says his family is torn apart over the deeds of his brother, and this isn't the Stephen they knew.

Eric says his brother transferred $100k to the Philippines for legit reasons ... to care for his girlfriend.  Authorities say she's still a person of interest, but Eric thinks his brother manipulated her to leave the country so she wasn't around when he fired into the Vegas crowd.

Eric also says his brother was rich and generous with his money, sometimes spending thousands of dollar on sushi for friends and relatives. 

He then went into a rant about his mom.  It's all over the place.