Lin-Manuel Miranda finally issued a statement on Harvey Weinstein

Lin-Manuel Miranda finally issued a statement on Harvey Weinstein

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As I mentioned in a previous story, the Guardian compiled a list of prominent men in Hollywood who refused to comment publicly on the Harvey Weinstein situation. The Guardian’s list was of men who have professional contacts now or in the past with Weinstein or The Weinstein Company. After the Guardian published their story, the men did start speaking. George Clooney gave a lengthy interview to the Daily Beast. Other men have issued statements on Twitter. Lin Manuel Miranda was one of the men name-checked by the Guardian, and I wondered why at first, because I didn’t remember Lin having any kind of connection to Weinstein. As it turns out, TWC bought the rights to Lin’s In the Heights, the Tony-Award-winning musical Lin wrote before Hamilton. Apparently, people have been yelling at Lin on Twitter about Weinstein, and he finally said something:

Yeah. Some guys are more deserving of criticism than others. Lin wasn’t waiting until Weinstein was fired, he was literally devoting the past three weeks to trying to do everything he could do for Puerto Rico. I kind of feel like we should be apologizing to him for even demanding that he make a statement.

Also, I didn’t get a chance to fit this in anywhere else, but here’s the letter Weinstein sent to studio heads and CEOs before he was sh-tcanned.

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