Hot Slut Of The Day!
Magic Sand!
Regular sand is already magic. It’s dark magic, but it’s magic, because it has an uncanny ability to magically get into every tiny crevice of your down-low parts. One day at the beach leads to you farting and queefing out sand granules for days. But back in the era of pure perfection, there was a magical concoction of fascinating foolery called Magic Sand.
Magic Sand was just that, it was magic sand that you’d pour into water (in an old aquarium, glass bowl or bathtub) where it’d turn into some unicorn jizz-looking messiness. You could use it to create sandcastles, or underwater cities, or you could write “S.O.S.” in big goopy letters, because you’d need serious help and medical assistance after your mom found the gross mess you made with Magic Sand in the bathtub.
The real magic from Magic Sand was that when you pulled the goop out of water, it boggled your young mind by transforming back into sand that you could use again and again. Who cares if the chemicals needed to turn that shit back into sand could’ve given us all of cancer of the fingers, that shit turned back into sand!
And the other beautiful thing about Magic Sand is that it can still bring you hours of entertainment even though you’re old now. If you’ve got an old Magic Sand “genie bottle” in storage somewhere, congratulations to you, because you not only have a precious artifact from the 80s, but you’ve also got a totally usable (but pretty pain-inducing) dildo!
Pic: Pinterest
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