Beverly Hills Residents Want Nothing To Do With Justin Bieber

Beverly Hills Residents Want Nothing To Do With Justin Bieber

October 3, 2017 / Posted by:

Page Six says that poor Justin Bieber has been trying desperately to rent a huge fancy mansion in Beverly Hills, and the neighbors aren’t having any of it. A source says that Justin has reportedly offered $100,000 a month for a house in Beverly Hills, which the source claims is way more than some of the homes are worth.

Neighbors aren’t budging; they know Justin has a reputation for not taking care of the homes he rents. In 2015, a house that was being rented by Justin Bieber for $60,000 was leased out to rapper Meek Mill a few days before he threw a Grammys after-party and trashed the joint (JB was in attendance). Page Six’s source says the people of Beverly Hills don’t want that kind of mess happening in their backyards again:

“Justin wants to rent a big estate, but many of the owners of the big Beverly Hills properties, which are for rent, have clubbed together to agree that nobody should rent to Justin. You would think that they would want the cachet of having him at their homes…But he and his entourage have a reputation of trashing his rental homes and then being difficult where it comes to paying for the repairs.”

Justin is actually a semi-permanent resident of Beverly Hills right now; it just happens to be in a Beverly Hills hotel. Apparently he’s been Dylan McKay-ing it for almost a year, and he’s been causing guests to wonder if the tattooed child eating breakfast alone by himself really is Justin Bieber.

Justin needs to take the hint that nobody in Beverly Hills wants to be his neighbor, and it might be time to look at other neighborhoods where he’d fit in better. There is a place in Los Angeles where spoiled trash like Justin Bieber could rent a house and the neighbors would be thrilled to have another douche on the block. Although I have a feeling he might not be wanted in Calabasas either.


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