Ashton Kutcher, gun owner, on gun control: ‘no body needs these weapons’

Ashton Kutcher, gun owner, on gun control: ‘no body needs these weapons’

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I’m not a fan of Ashton Kutcher. It is known. I’ve never really liked him, and I’m probably the last person who would ever defend him about anything. But here goes: Ashton isn’t wrong right now, at this moment. Ashton is a long-time gun owner. He’s currently trying to play it like he’s only been into guns because he’s a hunter, but back when he was married to Demi Moore, he used to talk about how they had a lot of guns in their home, including his-and-hers pistols and at least one machine gun. I have no idea if Ashton has gotten rid of some of his guns since becoming a father, nor do I know how Mila Kunis feels about guns. But at one point, Ashton was gun-crazy. And he still admits to owning guns. In the wake of the Las Vegas Massacre, he tweeted these statements (I’m not embedding the tweets because I just learned that Ashton has BLOCKED ME!!!):

I’ve had a gun since I was 12 yrs old but enough is enough. I’m a hunter and a sportsman but No body needs these weapons. Let’s pray. Then let’s change the law. There’s a middle ground here let’s get to the table and find it.

[Via Fox News]

Ashton got slammed on Twitter and by conservatives and Deplorables and possibly some liberals and progressives too. Some people were like “if you own a gun, you’re part of the problem!” No. Gun control advocates need actual gun owners to step up and talk about how there’s a gun problem in America. Some gun owners ARE gun control advocates. Some gun owners really are just hunters who are appalled by the idea that an average civilian could buy a machine gun. Some gun owners are just people who have one gun for protection in their home and they too are appalled by the massacre. The idea that someone could not own guns AND want gun control is not hypocritical, in my opinion. That being said, I’m not waiting for Ashton to be become a leader on this. He’s just bandwagoning (something else that is needed).

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Photos courtesy of WENN.

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